Sunday, May 26, 2013

Responses to "Not Interested"

  1. You are interested in a buy confirmation at (price) and sell confirmation at (higher price) aren't you? Of course you are!! See you are interested, and you didn't even know it.

  2. (Prospect) I have never in my life met anyone who wasn't interested in making serious money. (Firm) is making more serious money for people that anyone out there. It is not that you are not interested, something else is bothering you. I am a problem solver. Perhaps if you tell me what your actual concern is, I could help.
  3. NOT INTERESTED! What is it you are not interested in? (Stock) is a great company. All of my clients are happy with it and are even happier when I make them money. I don't know how your money manager is performing, but I am just looking to showcase my performance. Pick up (shares) and I will show you how I make money OK?

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